Sunday, May 18, 2014

A new food?

One item on my list that I have been thinking about for awhile is trying a food that I have always wanted to try.  I have been thinking a lot about what food to choose and today I realized its been right in front of me the whole time.  I was standing in Wegmans this morning and I have always been fascinated with the star fruit because of its strange shape.  This week I plan on buying a star fruit and a dragon fruit, if they have them, and trying them because I have always wanted to and this project is giving me the excuse to try them finally.  Look for a post later in the week regarding my findings.

Time Capsule

One of my favorite items that I have on my list is to create a time capsule.  I have talked to my teacher and I think that the school administration will be okay with it.  My plan for this is to have all of the WISE students, and any other seniors who want to participate, fill out a sheet that I will pre-make with things like their name favorite food, favorite thing to do, a guess of what the future will be like etc.  My goal is to collect around thirty or forty of these and put them in a PVC pipe time capsule.  I hope that the time capsule will be reopened in fifty years and seniors then will be able to see what life was like for us and hopefully enjoy reading them.  Therefore, my WISE project will continue to bring fun to people fifty years after I graduate.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bonfire party with friends...check!

On Friday night, in anticipation of the brutal upcoming week of AP tests, many of my friends and I had a bonfire at an undisclosed location  Now the place of the fire can't be revealed on the internet but rest assured readers, it was one of the best parties I have ever been to.  There ended up being lots of people there that I had never met before, some of which where even in my grade! I find it sad that even after four years I still don't know the whole class of 2014.  Anyway, getting together and relaxing with everyone is such a great way to end the week and I plan on continuing these as long as the weather is nice.

Fish on

Although the fish weren't biting, the company was great and being with friends is always fun. Fishing is ninety nine percent waiting and being with friends to fill that is the best way.  We sat on the dock and dangled our feet over the edge while we cast our lures thirty or so yards out onto the smooth lake. The wind wasn't blowing and the water was calm, so much so that at times it was like glass.  I'm realizing now that the actual activity of fishing, or anything else that I have done in my project, wouldn't have been nearly as fun without the proper company.  That's not to say that being alone can't be fun, but all the activities I have done so far have been fun due to the family and friends that experienced it with me.

Friday, May 9, 2014

What makes fun more fun?

After twelve weeks of this project I'm starting to realize that planning on doing activities isn't as fun as when they spontaneously happen to you. For example today out of the clear blue I was invited to go fishing during my free period. I would never have thought to do that and planning it would have taken the fun out of it but since it happened spontaneously, its going to be way more fun. Stay posted for the details on the fishing trip.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bamboo Dance

On Friday, a Burmese dance group from Utica came to perform for students and show them how to do the bamboo dance.  They performed it and then invited any students up onto the stage to try it.  I attempted to get my teachers son, Connor, to come try it with me but he was too shy.  Instead, I convinced Ms. Kennedy, my English teacher from last year, to come up on stage with me and try it out.  It was a three beat dance that was kinda like the hokey-pokey since it involved tapping your feet in and out of a circle.  Anyway, it was something that I wouldn't normally do and very far out of my comfort zone.  I'm glad I did it though because how many people can say they know how to do the Burmese Bamboo Dance?

Turning over a new leaf

After talking with my teacher this week, I have come to realize that I need to step my game up more and really "dive in with both feet" and "get out of my comfort zone more" as she suggested.  I plan on blogging more often and planning more to limit the random blog posts.  This week I will talk about my experience with ethnic Burmese dancing, putting googly eyes on random things to make them look funny, and how my team does this weekend in our State Cup game.